Friday, January 30, 2009

Cutting up credit cards

Dear Hubby and I had a little credit card cutting up party on Wednesday night. It was rather liberating, actually! We haven't cut up all of them, but we've cut up most. Here's where we stand:

*Today starts Day 1 of the envelope system. Paying cash for most of my purchases - eating out, groceries, toiletries;

*We also have a zero based budget, but we're already realizing we've forgotten a few items. Like Valentine's Day and the last utility bills for the old house;

*I cut up the card and closed the account for a gas card. I didn't even use the card. It was just a throwback to my pre-marriage days when I didn't have a debit card;

*We both cut up our credit card for a regional department store, and that's going to be the first credit card that will be paid off. We had what amounted to a 90 days same as cash plan, and we never paid interest. But I always ended up shopping there because of the card even though other stores had better clothes for me. But now I'm not going to be beholden to them!

*I no longer carry credit cards.

*I'm unsubscribing to as many email subscriptions as I can. I get too many emails from companies advertising their sales. I usually just delete them anyway, but why be tempted?

And just one last thought: Proverbs 22:7 (New International Version) "The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender." Oh so true! I'm not going to be a slave to debt anymore!

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