Thursday, February 26, 2009

First month on the budget!

We did it! We have officially finished Month 1 of the Dave Ramsey financial plan. We're on Baby Step 2 - the debt snowball. And we're doing the envelope system, which means that we pull out the money we need for food and toiletries at the first/middle of the month, put it in an envelope, and that's ALL that we can spend on those items for the month.

I managed to only go over $12 on the food budget! Not bad for a first try. And I also go to the two most expensive stores in town - Harris Teeter and Whole Foods. For eating out and toiletries, we'll have to work on our budgeting a bit better. One other thing was that we forgot certain categories in the budget, like Little Man's school lunches.

But I'm starting up on couponing again, and I've netted nearly $70 on eBay alone from selling E Belle's clothes from last summer. That's my spring clothing budget for the kiddos! It's consignment sale season, and after going to a ton in the fall, I know there's only two that I really like.