Wednesday, April 29, 2009

First Time with Triples

Just got back from my first trip to Harris Teeter for triple coupon week. Decided to go super early so that E Belle would be in a good mood.

Here's how I did:

Total before coupons and discounts: $226.94
Paid out of pocket: $159.51

I ended up with $41.01 in coupon savings, in addition to the $26.42 in loyalty card savings.

Not too bad! I was hoping to keep it under $150, but I definitely feel like I did a good job and good some great deals. It definitely helped that I did at least an hour of homework the night before pouring over websites to match coupons with good deals. I was totally ready this morning. The savings was worth the time.

I just saw a stat that said that people who use coupons spend well more than people who don't. I don't want to be that person! I'm trying to stay within my budget, and I only went over this week by less than $10. I will accomodate for that later in the month.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Target Deal

Ladies, have you seen the new Always Infinity pads? Evidently, they are made of gold (just kidding!). They are crazy expensive, and my first reaction was like, hey, do they know what those are for? But since they were new, I knew that the deals would not be too bad.

I ended up with two $3 off coupons for Infinity, and I honestly didn't plan on using them. But Target has a deal this week where if you buy two packages of either Infinity or Tampax Pearls, you get a $5 gift card. Target gift cards NEVER go to waste around here!

I bought two boxes of 36 count Infinity at $8.99 each (actually, the boxes I picked up had one of those "extra bonus free" in them, so they're more than a 36 count). With my coupons, that made them $5.99 each, for a total of $11.98 plus the $5 gift card. Not too bad for us frequent Target shoppers!

Couponing at Walgreens

I've always stayed away from going to drug stores because traditional wisdom is that they are more expensive than someplace like Target. Yes, in general, they are. But then again, I can't walk into Target and NOT spend at least $40, so perhaps it's better for me to hit the drug stores.

Walgreens opened up a few months ago just up the road, and I love having it so close! So, I clipped some coupons, did my homework and headed up there yesterday. Here's my bounty:

1 box Dora bandaids - $3.49
1 .5 oz Neosporin - $4 on sale
1 Neosporin To Go - $4 on sale
2 Huggies Size 5 (30 in pack) - 2/$19.98 on sale
1 Replinish Contact Solution - $7.99 sale
1 Schick Quattro razor with blades - $8.99 sale
1 breath mint package - .79 cents

Total before coupons: $55.82 w/o tax
Total after coupons: $41.56 w/ tax (so, $11 in coupon savings)
Total Register Rewards: $9.00

Actually, out of pocket I only spent $37.17 because I had a balance on my gift card from the March Easy Saver. Of course, my latest Easy Saver money was uploaded later yesterday afternoon! Unfortunately, Walgreens is discontinuing the Easy Saver program as of May 1, but supposedly, the in-store deals and Register Rewards are supposed to be better.

The important part here was that I had a coupon for everything but the mints. The Walgreens register is set up so that you have to have an item for each coupon. Now, you can have a manufacturer's coupon and a store coupon for the same item, but you would have to pick up a second item as well, or the register just won't put it through. Weird, but that's how it is. My lowest value coupon was $1.00, and my best coupon was $4 for the razor.

I now have $9 in Register Rewards for a return trip. So, I'll just wait for next week's deals to come out and see what I can do between the coupons and RRs!

I'm finding it expensive to get started couponing, but evidently, I'm not alone. Funny thing was that as I was looking for the razor, another woman showed it to me without me asking. She was also a couponer, and on top of that, her husband was a manager at the same Walgreens. We started talking, and she said it definitely gets much easier and cheaper once you get that stockpile going. We agreed that you should never have to pay for razors, shaving cream, soap, toothpaste, toothbrushes and shampoo (except I don't use drug store shampoo) because of coupons and deals. We'll see how fast it takes me to get there!

Monday, April 20, 2009


I'm really new to all this couponing stuff. I mean, I've used coupons for years. But to actually attempt at trying to buy like $100 worth of stuff for 50 cents or something crazy like that, it's all new to me.

So, I've been checking out other mama blogs who are much better at this than I, and I've picked up both pointers and coupons.

I went to CVS just now, and this is how it broke down:

Dove Skin Revitalizer Machine – on sale for $4 (was $12)
Dove Replacement pads – on sale for $3.49 (was $4.99)
Two Hot Wheels toothbrushes - $3.29 each

So, my total should have been $14.07

I had $4.50 in ExtraBucks
A $3.75 off the Revitalizer Machine (making it only a quarter)
A BOGO coupon for the toothbrushes

My total: $3.18

I'm pretty excited, even though this is so small. Dear Hubby is all about me doing this, of course. I think I'm excited not only about the saving money part, but also because it really does work your mind trying to figure out the coupon game.