Wednesday, April 29, 2009

First Time with Triples

Just got back from my first trip to Harris Teeter for triple coupon week. Decided to go super early so that E Belle would be in a good mood.

Here's how I did:

Total before coupons and discounts: $226.94
Paid out of pocket: $159.51

I ended up with $41.01 in coupon savings, in addition to the $26.42 in loyalty card savings.

Not too bad! I was hoping to keep it under $150, but I definitely feel like I did a good job and good some great deals. It definitely helped that I did at least an hour of homework the night before pouring over websites to match coupons with good deals. I was totally ready this morning. The savings was worth the time.

I just saw a stat that said that people who use coupons spend well more than people who don't. I don't want to be that person! I'm trying to stay within my budget, and I only went over this week by less than $10. I will accomodate for that later in the month.

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