Monday, December 28, 2009

My Savings Goals - 2010

I'm not really a resolutions kind of girl, but there's nothing wrong with setting goals, right?

In 2010, this is what I want to do to keep practicing a more frugal lifestyle:

*Raise my coupon savings to over $1000;
*Get our grocery bill to $100 or less a week. Currently budgeting $120 a week;
*Not get burned out on coupons and utilizing my resources;
*Reduce our non-mortgage debt by at least $7,000;
*We are having to buy a new TV soon since our main TV died last week, and I pledge to only pay cash;
*Only buy clothes that the kids really need, mainly for E Belle. I'm already seeing that she's got quite a summer wardrobe. She doesn't need a Gymboree spree;
*Look even harder for good deals.

As you can tell, I've got several food oriented savings goals. I feel like that's the easiest place for us to cut, and it's one of the areas that I have the most personal control over. We'll see how this goes! What are your goals?

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