Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Caught myself being cheap

E Belle broke her arm Sunday night. We have no idea how, even though we were all very close to her. She was playing in the floor near some furniture, then she suddenly screamed. The ER docs said Sunday night it was a dislocation, then we got a call Monday morning saying it was actually broken, we needed to come back. E Belle has proven herself to be a brave girl and has adapted to her ginormous splint and sling with grace. She'll have the splint for a week, then she'll have more X rays to see if they can find out more about the break, and we'll go from there. We don't know if this is a short term, medium term or long term issue right now.

But her mama sure did try to skimp to no avail!

Of course, her long sleeve shirts don't fit over this mass of bandages and plaster she's sporting. My first thought was to just stick her in short sleeves. We have heat! Preschool has heat! The car has heat!

But then I dropped her off at preschool yesterday. Once I took off her coat, her teeth started to chatter. Poor baby! Crazy me seemed to have forgotten that we're in the middle of the coldest streak we've had in 25 years. It hasn't been this cold since I was Little Man's age. Why do I have my baby in short sleeves?

So I immediately headed over to Once Upon a Child, a local children's resale store, and grabbed some sweatshirts and long sleeve t's - 5 tops and a brand new sleeper for just over $20. I cut off most of one arm, sewed a little cuff, and tada! My E Belle can be warm.

My original idea was definitely not a good one. I shouldn't have tried to be cheap at the expense of the comfort of my child. Poor girl's already dealing with a sling and splint. Why make her cold? This was a bad time to try to be cheap. I was still frugal - I got what I needed at a good price.

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