Monday, September 28, 2009

Budget, Smudget

We were doing so well in the spring. We had our envelope system working. Our budget was on paper and discussed every month.

Then the summer came.

I guess we got cocky. We stopped writing out our budget. We were trying to keep up with money in our head. Game over - we lost.

This has been a difficult month money-wise, and we don't know why. Yes, there was the $200 a/c maintenance and freon bill that we didn't expect. It was money here, money there. When you're not keeping up with it, it will filter through your fingers in no time.

So, last night, we sat down and did our October budget. It's done. Supposedly, we'll be able to put a lot back into savings and still have some cushion. Which leads us to ask, "Where is our money going?" When we put it on paper, we have plenty. Why is there not plenty at the end of this month?

Hopefully, we'll get back on track this month. We've got some big stuff to take care of at the end of the year. I know we can do it, we just actually have to stick with it.

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